Theme week focuses on the core value 'Proper Work Ethics'
Twice a year, Obton put together theme weeks to place the spotlight on specific topic. November 2021, one of our five core values 'Proper Work Ethics' was in focus.
At Obton, we define the value 'Proper Work Ethics' as everything we do and say – both externally and internally. We keep our word, and we treat our customers, colleagues and collaborative partners with decency and respect for the trust they have given us.
Inspiration from 'The Golden Four'
To kick off the theme week, all the employees were invited to a talk with Eskild Ebbesen (former rower and Olympic medallist, known as one of 'The Golden Four'). With stories from an impressive sports career, Eskild gave us all inspiration for how we as a company can become 'world champions in cooperation'.
Putting the value into words
Back at the office, we put into words what proper work ethics means to each of us in particular. In addition, a 'Proper Work Ethics-baton' was sent around the departments in the house, with a corresponding explanation and accolade on our intranet.
We also had a visit from a coffee cart so that everyone could get a decent cup of coffee.