Focus on professional development and social well-being in Obton's student network
A student job at Obton can help pave the way for a future career, and we would like the journey to be as exciting, inspiring and informative as possible.
This is why we have established a network for all student assistants across Obton.
Specialist, Talent Attraction, Cecilie Mørch Hansen is in charge of running the network.
"We would like to be an active part of the students' personal development and well-being, and we would also like to make an effort to help them get to know each other across Obton. By doing so, they have the chance to lean on and support each other. We believe that this benefits all parties involved."
In practice, the students in the network meet up at four events a year. In addition to making new friends, they get inspiration, knowledge and learning through various talks from both internal and external speakers.